Friday, February 8, 2013

Hibernating runners, it's time to emerge!

By: Stephanie Geraghty
Every year I make it through the race season spanning spring to fall, squeeze in that one last holiday 5K and then Christmas is just around the corner.  Not only is life chaotic with holiday festivities, the temperatures drop on through February.  And then I'm less excited to put on those running shoes.  My husband is forever confused at how I can be cold when he's literally sweating.  Layers and all, I crank the thermostat up more.

The fact is, I don't like cold.  When temperatures drop, I hibernate!

As a result, I've never been one to enjoy working out in the colder temps.  It seems my body can power through the blistering summer months but when it comes to getting out the door in 20-degree weather, I bulk.  I fear those initial shocking minutes of feeling heavy legs, whipping winds, and burning lungs.

Meanwhile, I totally forget how fantastic you feel for the remainder of the run!  The fact is, most runners pace faster when they run in cooler weather.  Now, THAT is appealing.  So why am I still having trouble getting my behind out the door?!

Stroller Warriors Camp Lejeune reconvened workouts this past week and temperatures are still hovering in the 40s, including some wind and rain.  Certainly not frigid (I grew up in the Midwest so frigid has a different definition) but enough to make you think twice about what to wear so you can be comfortable.  By just wearing the right gear, you can still get in an effective workout.

I came across an article written by Ben Davis on with suggestions about cold weather running.  There is even a table breaking down what to wear for each temperature.

Here's my summary:

LAYER IT UP:  There will be some trial and error as every runner is different. Wear layers, including a light tee under that long-sleeved pullover so on an out and back run, you can shed on the way out and grab on the way back.

EAR GEAR:  I require an earband for cold runs.  If I can keep the wind out of my ears, I can actually focus.  A hat tends to make me too hot.

STROLLIN':  As for the stroller-pushing runners, how do we justify taking the kiddos out in these temps?  Invest in a weather shield.  Yes, the companies charge a hefty amount but it's worth it to get in your workout and keep the wind off your stroller riders so they're safe and happy.  There's a lot of companies making generic covers that will fit name-brand strollers.  Check those out on

DRINK:  When you're running in cooler weather, you may be less inclined to drink.  Your body is still burning calories and generating sweat under those layers, working double time to keep warm.  So hydrate before, during, and after, just like any other workout.  Even if you don't think you need it, do it.

CHANGE IT UP:  If the cold really does demotivate you, try something new.  I avoid the "dreadmill" like the plague but it's always a viable option especially if you're running next to a friend.  Consider taking a spin class, doing Crossfit, or lifting weights.  Use those cold temps to strength train inside during the off season before you're ready to hit the trail in the spring.

Rest assured, we're already one week into February so warmer temps are just around the corner.  Use these tips and get out of hibernation NOW!  You won't regret it and maybe you'll even be surprised by some promising finish times.



Stroller Warriors Founder & Camp Lejeune Coordinator

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