In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd evaluate WHY I LOVE RUNNING!
1) I created a massive running club. Therefore, all my friends are runners. And what do they like to do when we hang out? RUN. Not a bad tradeoff to have the best friends on the planet.
2) Running gives me purpose. Whether I'm running for a charity, running in prayer, running with another, or running for myself, tackling those trails is not just a workout. It's always more.
3) Bling bling...I like shiny things! Nobody can argue that medals make the best decor. But mostly because they are reminders of the feelings of accomplishment that runners deeply covet. It's also fun for people to comment on them. "You ran all those races? You did a marathon?!" Yep. I did.
5) It's hard. And difficult things are always more worthwhile. I remind the SWs all the time that the hardest runs are their BEST ones, because they overcame a great obstacle.
6) I'm not terrible at it. I'm also not great at it! But the fact is I can do it, good or bad. Our bodies and abilities are gifts, something that we must never forget. Love them, use them, and be proud of what you can do. My son Cole is a reminder of this every day.
7) Some of my best conversations and memories have happened while pounding out the miles. It's amazing the conclusions, decisions, and completely whacky conversations you can reach during those workouts. Things just make more sense on the trail and it helps to have the undivided attention of your running buddy, aka, counselor! When you are finished, you truly feel cleansed.
9) My kids see the value of fitness and moral support through the example I set. My sons cheer me on from the stroller and wear my medals around the house. I often find my medals packed away in Caden's treasure box. They're proud! Makes ME proud.
10) It's something for me. As Mothers and military spouses, a lot of time is sacrificed for others. We do it willingly but to retain our sanity we have to strike a balance and do something for ourselves too. Despite whatever is happening in my life, running is a successful constant that keeps me level. And the best part...I get to share it with all my best friends.
The list goes now you must write your own! Why do YOU love to run? If you can pinpoint why you run, you can also pinpoint why you don't. And more than likely you'll realize the whys outweigh the why nots. Happy Valentine's Day and happy running! Now to go find my shoes...and some donuts...
Stroller Warriors Founder & Camp Lejeune Coordinator
Yep, that about covers it! #8 is my main reason. And 10... and 6... and 5... okay, yeah, all those reasons are why I run!